
Good customer relation – Snipt

Some time ago, I signed up on Snipt, a website that allows you to store snippets. It was a free account, that I probably used once, to test the service (only because this was not something I needed).

But yesterday I received an email from them, announcing that they will move away from free accounts. This is a fair enough decision, I can understand the need for a stable income.

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DynDNS and No-IP

For a few years now, I’ve been using a DynDNS free account to access my personal server (at home), even though I have a dynamic IP address. This means that I’ve had a URL that would always point to my server, even when my IP would change.

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GPG key

Yesterday, I’ve created my personal GPG key.

The description of GPG (or GnuPG) from the official website is:

GnuPG is the GNU project’s complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880. GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories.

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